Trail Information
Départ et arrivée du trail (Google map): Cold du Marchairuz
Kilomètres: 15km
Ascension: 1006m
Temps: 2h45
Difficulté: Easy (T1)
Matériel: Salomon 12L gilet, longes and harness
Carte intéractive de l'itinéraire (Alltrails) : Lien
Starting the trail
In order to reach the starting point of the trail, you have to drive about 20 minutes from the freeway exit in Nyon (Vaud). The road leads directly to the Marchairuz pass, where the trail starts.
This trail is one of my favorites because it is easy to access, relatively simple and the scenery is just as beautiful. Perfect for a quick and magical sports session in nature with the dogs. You can let them go all along and it is very safe for you and them.
The Climb
The trail passes by two summits: the Grand Cunay and Mt. Tendre which is the return point. You can even take a break at the Buvette du Mt. Tendre, 10-minute walk from the summit. It is important however to take enough water during the trail because there is no water source along the way.
What I like particularly in this trail, it is the different landscapes and types of paths that we cross. We pass by different forests and pastures in which we sometimes meet cows. This trail is particularly nice for dogs because the trail is not always in full sun thanks to the forest and the ascent is not too steep for some little paws.
What we usually take with us:
Plenty of water for you and the dogs
Snack bars
A Salomon 12L running gilet
HOKA Speedgoat W4 trail running shoes
Long leash
Dogs treats
Transportable bowls for the dogs
Phone & Cash